Monday, February 2, 2015

About the game: Snake The Net

We have focused on tech issues and specialized  details about multiplayer games and we have not explained anything about "Snake the net", the game that we are designing.

It's all about several snakes that try to kill the other ones while avoiding other obstacles. Does it sound familiar? Yeah, i agree... we are not reinventing the wheel...or maybe we are. Le me explain.
We won't convince no one that this is an original game. Of course, tens of games are based on the same idea. But, do you know any snake multiplayer game? Even Better. Do you know any snake multiplayer game fast enough to deserve be played?  I don't think so.

Our challenge is to make a multiplayer game with ticks (turns) below 500 ms. I think 300 ms will be such a challenging objective. Consider this: Players around the world will play at the same time and they have to see, obviously, the same game.

About the game itself we have made some new variations.  Several basic rules:

We are a snake ;-) Nothing new. Isn't it?

This is a piece of wall. We can't move inside a wall. If we do, we die and we become also a sequence of walls. Thrilling.

And, we have designed some magic cells that you can eat:

Get Bigger. We grow as much as the number displayed at the toolbar

Go Fast. If we eat this cell, we start moving twice as normal. We only move several ticks, depending on the number displayed at the toolbar.

Stop Other Players. We freeze the other players while we move smoothly. As usual, it depends on the number displayed at the toolbar.

Decrease Rivals size. The reverse of the last cell. If you eat it, the other players will decrease their size .

The game implementation is quite advanced  but we are facing now the exhausting  duty of testing it. The hardest part, as you can imagine, is related to networking issues, since this game shines by the multiplayer layer.

Of course, if no one connects at a time, you still would play because the server will create some bots... At the moment they are not so intelligent, but they will be... soon.

Anyway, you can see the first screenshots published. In the following posts, it will be available a video where you will see the gameplay.

Enjoy it!

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